Obituary of Robert C. Maddox
On August 28th, 2010, Robert C. Maddox, Esq. died peacefully of cancer at his residence in Potomac, MD. Dr. Maddox was born on June 23, 1943 in Washington D.C. to John C. and Ruth V. (nee Peck) Maddox. Dr. Maddox lived in Potomac MD since 1990 with his Domestic Partner of 23 years Dr. William J. Prather.
He graduated in 1961 from Montgomery Blair High School of Silver Spring, MD, afterwards he graduated from the Montgomery College in Takoma Park, MD and in 1967 he received his B.A. degree from University of Maryland at College Park. In 1971 he received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. Dr. Maddox was a partner with Maddox and Shelton Attorney's at Law, a member of numerous local and national Bar associations, a trustee of Montgomery College and a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. He was also a parishioner of St. Paul's Episcopal Parish, K Street, Washington D.C.
Besides Dr. Prather his survivors include one daughter, Catherine Anne Maddox Saraceno of Portland OR, one brother John W. Maddox of Purcellville, VA and his former spouse Lynn Ann Edgley Maddox Masiello of Rockville, MD.
A Solemn Mass of the Resurection will be celebrated at St. Paul's Episcopal Parish, 2430 K St. NW, Washington D.C. on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 12:00 noon. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Jerusalem Companion Diocese Committee, Episcopal Church House, Mount Saint Alban, Washington D.C. 20016-5094 or to the Music Program, St. Paul's Episcopal Parish, 2430 K St. Washington D.C. 20037. Inquiries may be dirceted to