Thursday, August 13, 2020
Kelleher family: So sorry to hear of your loss. I spoke to your dad in March when visiting my mother (Beti) who was dying of pancreatic cancer. It was a lovely conversation and he shared about his cancer. Indeed our parents were great long-time friends! Jack was best-man when my parents were married. I remember when your dad got the teaching job in Thunder Bay. They bought a house and I was hired to cut the (long) grass! I surely remembered you all growing up and met your brother Paul also, remembering that he was artistic.
That was a very nice write up. Your dad was a soft spoken. kind person and he and your mom were very dedicated to all of you, helping out as needed. Your dad kept in touch with my mom after my dad dies and they occasionally met for a meal. I remember your mom Marion and her wonderful laugh. I know what it is like to grieve parents who seem to be too soon gone. Who knows where our loved ones go. If there is a place where their spirits exist then we can still connect with them in our hearts and thoughts.
Love, Yvonne Tremblay (Mississauga, Ont.)