Obituary of Hin Cheung Tam 譚憲章 Order of Ontario
譚憲章先生 悼文尊敬的各界僑領、長輩、各位親朋好友:我們懷著極其沈痛的心情,悼念 我們尊敬的家父, 譚憲章先生。家父出生於小康之家,共二十九位兄弟姊妹,十三歲即跟隨父親在中國廣州做生意,雖然只唸了三年線裝書,但不斷自修苦學;後來入讀聯合大學工商管理,勤工儉學。二十歲與家母杜佩珊結婚,育有三子、六女,內、外孫共15名,內、外曾孫9名。 家父男兒志存高遠,婚後開始在廣州湛江市等地從事貿易生意。六十年代初雖已在香港開設製衣廠經商,但仍在1975年毅然帶著年幼的兒女們移民加拿大,在多倫多市展開人生新的一頁。當時以大昌集團名義經營出口貿易及批發零售生意,為加拿大的經濟出一分力。家父 深明「取諸社會,用諸社會」是良心企業須肩負的責任。曆年來在公益慈善方面發起、主辦或參與籌募及捐款之機構包括華人諮詢社區服務處(又名華諮處),兒童醫院、醫生醫院、西乃山醫院、慈恩醫院、孟嘗安老院、頤康護理安老院、紅十字會華東賑災、九二一台灣大地震及大多市公益金百萬行、大學中國同學會等等。家父自覺必以身體力行回饋社會。在生意開業後即全面投入社區的義務工作。曆年來在服務華人社區的時間及心思主要投放於昭倫公所及華人諮詢社區服務處(又名華諮處)。在任昭倫公所主席十七年中,致力革新會務及培育新一代領袖。而在華諮處效力三十年當中,先後擔任義工、委員、籌款主席、董事、副會長等職務。 家父深知海外華僑重視華裔子弟對中華文化的認識及學習祖裔語言的需要。除了協力創辦多倫多中華學校外,亦曾在華僑公立學校、中華學校、逸仙學校、愛正中文學校分擔顧問、委員、負責人、校董、校監、校董會主席等工作,籍此推動發展祖裔語言教育。家父身在加國心繫祖國,積極支持弘揚中華文化。透過擔任大多倫多中華文化中心籌委會成員及主席期間,積極參與現已建成之國父孫中山銅像、加拿大鐵路華工紀念碑及安大略省華人曆代先僑紀念碑等項目的籌款工作及慷慨捐輸。同時以捐助形式來支持多倫多中華文藝中心、大多倫多中華文化中心及攝影影藝學會等團體也是不遺餘力。家父領悟到作為身居異邦的華僑必須要融入主流社會,在民主議政的體系中站出來才能為華人發聲,維護華人的權益。 雖然不諳英語,但仍能透過參與義務工作時認識的人脈來推動主流政要與華人社區的交流。早於八十年代,已分別促成加拿大總理克拉克及梅龍尼、財政部長威爾遜等政要訪問華埠,推進華人社區與三級政府的溝通。此外,家父積極匡助不同政黨的中外人士參選,先後協助多位教育委員、市議員、省議員及國會議員等,並多次成功協助把華人的聲音帶進各級議會。在九十年代初,省政府嚴厲執行「假日禁商法」,受罰華商多不勝數。家父參與力爭華商權益,發動上訴活動且成功晉見李博省長,終於成功爭取假日營業。家父每分每秒心繫社區。「老驥伏櫪,志在千里。烈士暮年,壯心不已。」雖然近年身體不再如前,走路步伐減慢,但內心依然如年輕時般火熱。每天定把當天的每份中文報紙一字一字細閱後,跟兒女們聊聊世界大事才能安睡。我們各人也深明,假如上天能多賜點時間及體力,家父仍舊會堅持善用每分每秒為社區事奔跑。家父於1999年獲頒授安省最高榮譽勳章 (Order of Ontario) 。2008年榮獲安省長期義工服務30年義工獎。2003及2012年分別獲頒授英女皇金禧勳章及鑽禧勳章。我們再次代表家屬感謝各界的厚愛、支持與提名。感謝您們通過這些祟高的榮譽來肯定了我們這位默默為華人社群委身40多年的 家父的無私貢獻。作為兒子及兄長的 家父,極盡孝道。當我們祖母仍在世時,每年務必飛回祖家一趟探望陪伴一段日子。身為兄長,雖弟妹眾多且遍佈世界不同角落,但也常保持聯繫。弟妹及家人如有什麼困難也會主動幫忙照顧,盡力扶持。作為丈夫的 家父,與家母鶼鰈情深 ,跟「大男人」一詞沾不上邊。老夫老妻沒有把愛掛在嘴邊的習慣,也會為日常瑣碎事「耍花槍」,但在實際行動上卻藏不住對太太的愛及關懷。不論是旅遊或跟老朋友聚舊也是夫唱婦隨,也總是惦記著太太的生辰及結婚紀念日,亦會為安排金婚鑽婚婚宴事情雀躍。作為一家之主的家父 ,他既是嚴父也是慈父。當我們受傷受挫時,他會安慰及鼓勵。當我們被欺負時,他會即時為我們抵擋及出頭。當我們對自己的能力缺乏信心時,他會作堅強的後盾。當我們灰心喪志時,他會把我們喚醒,加以誘導。當我們做錯事、無理取鬧時,他會狠狠地訓示,但仍體諒包容。當我們固執行事失去理智時,他引導我們去理性分析,但仍讓我們自己作出選擇。當我們為前路擔憂害怕時,他總是默默陪伴為我們打氣。當我們站在人生的三岔路口時,他總是那盞及時的明燈。作為眾多孫兒孫女曾孫的爺爺公公,家父盡是溫柔,沒有絲毫長輩般氣勢。跟年少的玩耍及捉弄他們時,足以配得上「孫子傻瓜」的稱號。跟較年長的也可以說說笑,談談人生,聊聊世界大事。作為我們的人生導師的 家父,他堅持以身示教。做人需要勤儉樸素、惜衣惜食、舉輕若重、凡事用心苦幹、腳踏實地便定有回報。交朋友要待人以誠、放寬胸襟,並要珍惜可推心置腹的摰友。綜其熱愛的人生,家父在世的95載充滿了啟迪意義。他雖然不是什麼世界偉人,但在我們家族裡,在我們心裡,他一直是,永遠也是舉足輕重的巨人。我們的明燈滅了,但已化成天上的繁星。「阿爸,我們不會跟您說永別,因為我們知道當我們思念您時,只要抬頭凝視著天上最光最閃亮的一顆星時,您那開懷大笑的聲音便會在我們的耳邊響起。」最後,想引用美國一位思想家、文學家的一句名言向家父作最後的致敬。「當你出生時,只有你在哭,而旁邊的人卻在微笑。你要努力活出你的人生,令你離開這個世界的時候,只有你在微笑,而旁邊的人卻在哭。」-- 拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生 --阿爸,您赢了。天上見,不見不散。Eulogy for the Late Mr. Tam Hin Cheung Order of OntarioTo Honorable Community Leaders, Honorable Guests, Dear Friends and Families, It is with our deepest sorrow that we come together today to pay the last respect to our late Father, Mr. Tam Hin Cheung. Our Father came from a modest family with 29 siblings. Our grandfather was a businessman. Our father was 13 years of age when he got his first job, as an apprentice in grandfather’s business. He was keen to pursue formal education and eventually was admitted to The United University for their business management program. At the age of 20, he married our mother, Mrs. Tam To Pui San. They raised a large family of 9, with 3 sons and 6 daughters; followed by 15 grandchildren and 9 great-grand children. Our Father was being taught that young men have to aim high and pursue big dreams. After his wedding, he started his own trading business in Guangzhou, and in early 60s he already had his own garment factory in Hong Kong. Yet, he chose to immigrate to Canada, bringing his younger children with him. They settled in Toronto and started a new chapter in life. As an entrepreneur, he set up the “Tai Cheong Trading Company”, which focused on trading, and wholesale and retail business. Our Father was well aware that the community contributed to his business success, so he embraced the idea of social responsibility, and started to donate to charities as a way of giving back to the community. Over the years, he did not only donate generously to charitable organizations, but also initiated, hosted, and participated in many fundraising events. Those organizations he supported include Centre for Information and Community Services, Hospital for Sick Children, Doctors Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, Scarborough Grace Hospital, Yee Hong Geriatric Centre, Mon Sheong Home for the Aged, China flood relief and the Taiwan earthquake disaster relief funds, United Way Walkathon, and various Universities’ Chinese Students Associations. Our Father realized that he must walk-the-talk, and must contribute to the society by taking action himself. After his business started-up, he began to devote much of his time into volunteering work. He was the President of the Chau Luen Benevolent Association for 17 years. During his tenure, he revitalized the organization to attract the younger generation and to bring up future leaders. During his 30 years of service at the Centre for Information and Community Services, he was a volunteer, a Committee Member, and being appointed as the Chair of the Fundraising Committee, the Director and the Vice Chairman at different times. Our Father recognized the need of Chinese living in a foreign country where Chinese language is not the mother tongue. They needed support in teaching their next generations about the Chinese culture, and to learn the language. Besides making major contribution to the establishment of the Toronto Chung Wah Chinese School and acted as the Chairman of Board of Trustees, he also took up different roles at different times at various Chinese schools in Greater Toronto area. Our Father though domiciled in Canada, but his heart was never far from his homeland. As a result, he was actively promoting the Chinese culture through various organizations including the Greater Toronto Chinese Cultural Centre, where he acted as the Co-Chair of the Steering Committee. He was one of the founding members of the Centre which is now in full operation. He supported and helped organized a successful campaign to install a statue to commemorate the contribution of Chinese railroad workers in the 19th century. He also participated and supported many community events and non-profit organizations established for promoting the Chinese culture. Our Father well-understood the importance for Chinese immigrants to participate in the mainstream society in order to have a solid representation in the 3 levels of government. Though our father could not speak English, through the network he built while volunteering, he was able act as the bridge, connecting government officials and politicians with the Chinese community. As early as the 80s, he facilitated and successfully invited then Prime Minister Charles Joseph Clark, and Prime Minister Martin Brian Mulroney to visit Chinatown. He was also active in politics by supporting Chinese candidates, and personally canvassed for them during municipal, provincial and federal elections. He also helped organized community petition for the Sunday Shopping Ban during the 90s. Our Father could not live through a day without thinking about how to better serve the community. Though his health deteriorated during his last years, and could only walk in a much slower pace than before, his heart was always young and filled with passion. Every day he must read through every single word printed on all the daily Chinese newspapers, and engaged his sons and daughters in discussions about the community, about what’s happening around the world before bed time. We all know our father well that, if he was given a bit more time and energy, he would still insist on spending all the time on community works. Our Father was appointed to the Order of Ontario in 1999, in recognition of his outstanding service to the society. In 2008, he received the Ontario “30 Years” Volunteer Service Award. In 2003, he received the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, and followed by the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012. On behalf of our family, I would like to express our appreciation for your nomination, love and support to our father. Through these prestigious awards and honours, you are recognizing our father’s 40+ years of selfless devotion in community service. Our Father, as a son and one of the eldest brothers in a big family, demonstrated great respect to our grandmother when she was alive. Our father would fly long distance every year to see her, often spending a couple months at a time to take care of her. As a big brother, though his siblings are located in different countries around the world, he always kept in touch and offered help in any way whenever they or their families needed. Our Father, as a devoted husband, he never demanding, and far from the traditional husband of his times. Though they hardly showed their love for each other explicitly, and still fought about small matters at home, any one could tell how much he loved and cared about her through his actions. They always paired up for vacations, or when visiting friends. He always remembered her birthdays and their wedding anniversaries, and could easily get excited about their Golden and Diamond Anniversary dinner arrangements. Our Father, he was a strict, but also a caring father. He never exercised authoritative parenting on any of us, and…When we were hurt and frustrated, he offered comfort and encouragement. When we were bullied, he stood up and fought for us. When we doubted ourselves and lacked confidence, he offered solid back up. When we were discouraged, he offered his advice and guidance. When we made mistakes, and caused trouble without any reason, he would give us a lesson but was always forgiving.When we were stubborn and acted irrationally, he offered his rational analysis, yet let us make our own decisions. When we worried about what’s ahead of us, he offered his ears, walked with us and cheered for us. When we stood at the crossroads, he offered himself as our guiding light. Our Father, as the Grandpa, Great-Grandpa of many grand and great-grand kids, he only showed his love and tenderness, and never put up a stern face. For the younger ones, he could play with them as if he was a kid himself. For the elder ones, he would demonstrate his sense of humour, or had serious talks about life, about world happenings. Our Father, as our family’s mentor, life coach, he always ensured that he was the perfect role model. He taught us to be down-to-earth, take life seriously, and be diligent in everything we do, eventually we will be rewarded. When we make friends we must be honest, be forgiving, and cherish those friends who are trustworthy. Our Father loved life, loved family, lived his 95 years life with tremendous passion. He has been a true inspiration to all of us and will continue to enlighten us. Although he is not a prominent figure of the world, to our family, in our hearts, he has been, and will forever be our GIANT with positive influence. Our guiding light has been extinguished, but has transformed into a star and shining above us. “Dad, We will say good bye today, as we all know, whenever we think of you, all we need to do is to look up, stare at the shiniest star in the sky, and we will hear your joyful laughter.” Lastly, I would like to share a quote from an American poet and philosopher, as a final salute our beloved father. “When you were born you were crying and everyone else was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you are the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying.-- Ralph Waldo Eemerson--Dad,You Won。See you up there later! In lieu of flowers, please make donation to the following charity's organizations and foundation花圈, 賻儀, 敬捐慈善包括以下列出和捐款方式:1/ 譚憲章纪念獎學金(多倫多中華學校)支票枱頭 : Toronto Chung Wah Chinese School (支票請寫上: 姓名,地址及電邮,作退稅收據)支票郵寄地址:155 East Beaver Road , Unit 21 , Richmond Hill , In , L4B 2N12/ 華諮處基金會 CICS Foundation Online donation through please direct your donation to “in memory of Mr.Hin Cheung Tam”.3/ 颐康基金會 Yee Hong Community WellnessFoundation 4/ 孟嘗安老院website
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