Obituary of Tat Yuen Hue 勞許德煥
我們懷著沈重的心情,向各位宣佈,我們敬愛的母親勞許德煥女士 於陽曆二零二零年三月三十日安詳辭世,積潤享壽九十九歲。母親一生盡心盡力照顧家庭,不辭勞苦地為我們工作,為我們家,奠定穩固的基礎,使我們以及整個家族得以欣欣向榮地繁衍下去。母親待人和藹可親,樂意助人,所以親朋戚友都非常樂意的接近她,例如先父的學生,大多對師母更加熟悉,更有不少人要認她為「契媽」。如今她終於可以歇了世上的勞苦,壽終內寢。媽媽,奶奶,岳母,嫲嫲,婆婆,太嫲,太婆,我們永遠懷念您。With great sorrow, we announce the passing of our beloved Mother, Tat Yuen Hui on March 30th, 2020. Living almost a century of happy life, she always shared her generosity, compassion and warmth to anyone she met, making everyone feel like a big loving family. She will be greatly missed and eternally loved by her sons, daughter, in-laws, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, extended family and loyal friends.
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