Mary Swenson

Obituary of Mary Swenson

Mary SwensonA memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 14, at Central Lutheran Church in Eugene for Mary Jacqueline “Jackie” Swenson of Eugene, who died April 6 of Parkinson’s disease. She was 83. A reception will follow the service.She was born May 24, 1928, in Trempealeau, Wis., to Arnold and Alvina Juleson Falkofske. She married Charles A. Swenson on April 14, 1951, in Ellsworth, Wis.She received a nursing degree at Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis. She worked as a registered nurse.Survivors include her husband; two sons, Chuck of Creswell and Dave of Eugene; a sister, Beulah Jenson of Phoenix, Ariz.; and four grandchildren.Arrangements by Musgrove Family Mortuary, Eugene.~ Jackie Swenson was raised in Ellsworth, Wisconsin.She was the daughter of Arnold and Alvina (Juleson)Falkofske. She graduated from Fairview Hospital School ofNursing in Minneapolis, Minnesota and served at MinneapolisGeneral Hospital in Pediatrics.She and Charles Swenson married in 1951 and hadtwo boys, Chuck and Dave. As a family they moved to Oregonin 1959, settling in Medford and then to Eugene in 1964 whereshe lived until her death.Jackie lived with the glass half full all of her life- alwaysan upper. Church was always a priority and she served in manycapacities, as a council member, on various committees, asPresident of the CLCW, and the Columbarium Committee, andothers. She was also active in the boys’ school in the PTA andSchool Councils. When her boys were older she also servedas "mom" to 15 students from Singapore while they attendedthe University of Oregon. Those students still come to see herand have a scholarship endowed in her name at the school.During her husband’s start up in business she workedfor Dr. Jerry Dayton in pediatrics. As the boys grew older andgraduated from college, Chuck and Jackie were blessed to beable to travel extensively. Some of the highlights includedSingapore, Israel, Scandinavia and Italy where Chuck Sr. hadserved in World War II.Jackie developed Parkinsons Disease in 2001 and as itprogressed had to move into assisted living. FarmingtonSquare became her new home for the last 6 1/2 years.What a blessing for she and Chuck because of the treatmentshe received. Her aides were extremely helpful and kindthroughout her stay and especially during the last few months.Due to Jackies faith, we know she is in a place we all hopeto be when our time comes. We love her and miss her.~The Family ~
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