Obituary of Thelma Stokes
A funeral service will be held at 2:00pm Monday, January 21st at Springfield Memorial Funeral Home for Thelma Louise Stokes who died January 14, 2013. She was born August 26, 1923. Our beloved mother and grandmother left this world to be with the Lord following several recent hospitalizations. She was born and raised in Arthur, Iowa where she was captain of her high school basketball team. She is preceded in death by her husband Dale Stokes who passed away in 2004. After raising her two daughters in Coos Bay where Dale was a longshoreman, the couple retired to Eugene in 1982. Mom had a wonderful sense of humor and was quite the card shark. Her joy was in her family, including three grandsons and ten great-grandchildren. She will be greatly missed by all. She leaves two daughters, Linda Stokes Standley of Eugene and Toni Stokes Wilkinson of Springfield.