Obituary of Don C. Redfield
April 7, 1927 – May 4, 2014Don Clifford Redfield was a loving husband, father, grandfather and brother.He felt truly blessed by the Lord and always gave from a kind, generous, and lovingheart of his time and resources. He was eager to share his faith and invite othersto church. He provided opportunities for many to work alongside of him to helpmeet their needs.Don passed away at his home in Eugene at the age of 87 on May 4, 2014, afterfighting a courageous battle with cancer. He was born in Anaheim, CA onApril 7, 1927 to Lyle Edgar Redfield Sr. and Jennie Dell (Icenbice Redfield) Vernon.Don was the fourth of five children. He moved to Oregon at three years of age. Hespent some of his high school years living in Kent, Washington with his fatherwhere he graduated from Meridian High School in 1945. Don entered the US Navyin 1945, at the age of eighteen, serving during WWII in the Pacific Theaterfor eighteen months. After the Navy he began his business career by openinga grocery store in Brookings, OR with his father and brother, Lyle. He lived inOregon for the rest of his life, moving to the Eugene area from Klamath Falls in 1962.Don married Ethel Pierce in May of 1947 and they had three children: Donna Louise,Robert Charles and Susan Jeannette. They later divorced. Don married MargaretChambers Jaffarian on June 16, 1965 blending her four children: Ernest Lee, EdwinDonald, Earl Michael, and Paula Mae Jaffarian with his three into a“very compatible family of nine”.Don was self-employed most of his working years. He started his wholesale notionsbusiness, Cal Ore Market Service, in December of 1968. He ran those routes for almosttwenty years. He also kept busy over the years with a variety of real estate propertiesincluding warehouses, two apartment buildings, and numerous houses that he bought,rented out and sold as investments. He even built the house he was living in at 2052Todd Street in 1971. Don was proud of his ability to buy neglected property, which hethen turned around, creating something useable and profitable.Don has been an active member of Berean Baptist Church in Eugene since 1965.He felt very blessed that all of his seven children have continued to walk with Jesusand to serve the Lord in their adult lives. Don worked hard but he also spent manyhours camping, fishing, and boating with his family and friends. He enjoyed findingprojects to work on around his house, on his numerous properties, or helping outothers. He loved spending time with his family and spent many hours challengingthem to various games: cards, golf, ping pong, dominoes, horseshoes, bocce ball,just to name a few. The grandchildren fondly remember doing woodworking projectswith Grandpa Don that they would take home with them, and the yearly trainvillage that he set up each Christmas season. He was thrilled to attend manyfamily reunions on the Redfield side, and more recently with theRedfield/Jaffarian clan. These reunions were treasured and memorable eventsfilled with lots of laughter, games, love, fellowship, and good food.Don is survived by his loving wife of 49 years, Margaret Redfield, his three sisters:Eva Stiles, Wilma Wasing, and Betty Young of Klamath Falls, OR, and a sister-in-law,Ruth Redfield of Hillsboro, OR. He leaves behind his seven children and theirspouses: Donna and Gary Braun of Tualatin, OR; Bob and Callie Redfield ofLoveland, CO; Sue and Art Larson of Aloha, OR; Ernest and Trula Jaffarian of Aurora, IL;Edwin and Debbie Jaffarian of Eugene, OR; Michael and Dawna Jaffarian ofSpringfield, OR; and Paula and Keith Shirley of Idyllwild, CA.; 19 grandchildren,10 great grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. His parents and his olderbrother, Lyle E. Redfield Jr., preceded him in death.A Memorial Service will be held in Eugene, Oregon at Berean Baptist Church,1210 Chambers St., on Sunday, May 25th at 2:00 pm. Donations in Don’s name canbe made to Berean Baptist Church or Wycliffe Bible Translators in the name of hisnephew, Caleb (Anna) Redfield. You are also invited to sign the guest book Arrangements & burial by Musgrove Family Mortuary.