Obituary of James Gordon
James “Jim” Byron Gordon, previously of Linden, MI, passed away peacefully in Eugene, OR on April 29, 2014. He died surrounded by family in his daughters’ home. He is survived by his wife Pamela (Eugene, OR) his daughters Thena (Gales Ferry, CT) and Kathryn (Eugene, OR), his son Thomas (Abu Dhabi, UAE) and five grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother John ( NC) and his sister Ellen (VA). He is preceded in death by his parents, Francis and Mary Gordon and his brother Ethan.Jim was born in Chicago, IL on December 7, 1940. He graduated Sherwood High School in Sandy Spring, MD and received a BA in Education from Parsons College in Fairfield, Iowa. While there he met his wife of 50 years, Pamela Sims.Jim taught middle school math and science at Fenton Middle School. He also worked for the Genesee Intermediate School district. As a long-time member of Tyrone Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fenton, he was active in the choir and assisted with many different ministries. He loved camping, canoeing and long-distance bicycle touring. He participated in the PALM (Pedal Across Lower Michigan) Ride.Jim took his kids backpacking nearly every summer; trips across northern Michigan on the Shore-to-Shore trail were frequent, as well as sections of the Appalachian Trail in Virginia. He loved canoeing and camping near Grayling, MI. He swam and canoed many hours in the lake near his home with the children and also on stretches of the Shiawasee River. In recent years he could be found bicycling many miles on the back- country roads near the Linden home he and Pam shared for 40 years.He and Pam moved to Eugene, OR in February, 2014, due to his failing health and to be closer to his younger grandkids. A month before he passed he was able to take his final bike ride on a large tricycle on a bike path along the Willamette River. He also enjoyed drives to the Oregon Coast.Although he was not able to speak much toward the end of his life, he was able to affirm his faith in Christ and the resurrection on Easter Sunday, 9 days before his passing. He spent the last 8 days of his life in the home of his daughter, surrounded and cared for by his wife, daughter and grandchildren.Jim was a faithful husband, a playful dad, and an energetic and involved grandpa.A memorial service will be held on Sunday, July 13, 2014 at 6 pm at Tyrone Covenant Presbyterian Church in Fenton, MI.Arrangements by Musgrove Family Mortuary in Eugene.