Obituary of Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Helen Johnson - born March 7th 1985, left us on August 23rd, 2014. She was Beth to family and friends of which there are many?don't think she ever met a stranger?she was such a welcoming sweet spirit. She leaves behind countless people who will miss that shining light: her mama Carol Barton, daddy Neil Johnson, bothers David and Matthew, sister Jessica and grandmother Jean Johnson. But also extended family; sisters Taylor and McKenzie, brother Hunter. Loving cousins, aunts, uncles? And her loving and sweet boyfriend Mitchell. Not to mention an infinite number of friends and adopted family?too numerous to mention. A memorial will be held to celebrate this wonderful life September 28th at Hilyard Community Center?2580 Hilyard St in Eugene...4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Please bring a beverage and potluck dish to share.