Anne Rumfelt

Obituary of Anne Yung-Kwai Rumfelt

Anne Yung-Kwai Rumfelt died Friday, October 30, 2015, at Churchill Estates Retirement Community, Eugene, Oregon. She was 91. She was born July 15, 1924, in Washington, D.C., the daughter of Joseph Burnham Yung-Kwai of Washington, D.C., and Peggy Woodside of Pana, Illinois. (A brother, Conrad Yung-Kwai, preceded her in death.)She was a granddaughter of Yung Kwai, of Xinhui, China, Counselor to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, and Mary E. L. Burnham of Springfield, Massachusetts.In the early 1950s, after earning undergraduate and master degrees in physics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Anne began working for the National Bureau of Standards, eventually moving to the NBS laboratory in Boulder, CO. Her work there included such efforts as the standardization of radio-frequency power measurements. While at NBS, Anne met, and on October 6, 1956, in Pine, CO, married Ray R. Rumfelt of White Deer, Pennsylvania. In the early 1990s, they moved to Eugene, OR, where following Ray’s death in 1994, Anne continued a quiet life, knitting and enjoying the company of her friends at her favorite restaurant.
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